On behalf of our entire team, NTP Events would like to personally wish health and safety to all during this unprecedented time of history.
Rest assured that we are closely following the COVID-19 situation and continue to quickly adopt measures and strategies to mitigate the impact on our clients. We are monitoring the ongoing developments and continue to follow guidance from health organizations and experts for their recommendations. NTP Events is fully committed to taking appropriate precautions to provide a safe and healthy environment for exhibitors and attendees at all future events.
Our industry has faced uncertain times before and has always bounced back even stronger. We expect to experience the same with the ongoing pandemic. NTP Events believes having empathy for those that are scared, showing support for those that are disappointed, and managing the stress for those that are anxious are all imperative during this time.
Despite the current crisis our world is facing, we are heartened to know the events industry is coming together to create resources from leading industry organizations for up-to-the-minute information concerning COVID-19 and its response to the crisis.
NTP Events Risk Assessment Model:
- Conduct a risk assessment: How many attendees and exhibitors are from the level 3 travel restricted areas? Next look for neighboring countries. Check your previous year’s history too to see what impact this may have on participation at your event.
- If your event does not have a large attendance from the infected areas, consider promoting healthy travel practices, in general, to help ease the tension.
- Check with your event insurance policy to claim lost attendance and exhibit revenue. This may not be possible, but it is worth the conversation.
- Contact all affected exhibitors and allow them to cancel without penalty. If they have paid, provide them with a credit for next year.
- Review or create a crisis communication plan. We suggest reviewing PCMA’s Guide to a Crisis Communication Strategy.
- Add cautionary language to your website, even if the show is domestic-focused.
- If you plan to move forwards with your event, promote healthy guidelines in your current attendee and exhibitor newsletters such as washing you hands for 20 seconds, using hand sanitizer, and practicing social distancing on the show floor.
Helpful links:
- Health Organizations:
- Include infographics from CDC and WHO: https://www.ustravel.org/toolkit/emergency-preparedness-and-response-coronavirus-covid-19
- Center of Disease Control: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/travelers/index.html
- CDC FAQ for Travelers: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/travelers/faqs.html
- For event professionals:
- IAEE: Coronavirus Resources: https://www.iaee.com/coronavirus-resources/
- US Travel Association: https://www.ustravel.org/toolkit/emergency-preparedness-and-response-coronavirus-covid-19
- PCMA Event Professionals FAQ (great resource for legal guidance): https://www.pcma.org/coronavirus-business-events-professionals-need-to-know-faq/
- Event Industry Council: https://www.eventscouncil.org/Industry-Insights/About-coronavirus